Monday and Tuesday were long days. Much of our work at Labor 08 was in preparation for a Get Out The Vote event scheduled for Tuesday afternoon. Monday we called 3000 members to inform them that Labor 08 would be holding a barbecue where "stars" would be present. I'm grateful that I didn't have to make many calls, instead I was asked to produce maps for this week's caucusing.
Tuesday, after our noon meeting I was asked to helped decorate the BBQ location with balloons and Obama signs. I then returned to the office to map again. At 3:30 we all returned to the park to get the party started. We had a decent turn out of union members and the "stars" showed up early and chatted with everyone. There were several people there who came, with cameras in hand, specifically to see someone famous. One guy approached me and asked "aren't you an actress!" I assured him I was not and felt rather embarrassed until I saw him approach another person to ask the same question. It was a successful event, we got more folks signed up to volunteer and the "stars" made some speeches encouraging everyone to vote early and to vote Obama. When the event ended some of us returned to the Labor 08 office to resume work.
There are people here who have been working for Labor 08 since early September. Many folks work 10 hour days, 6 or 7 days a week. I have a lot of admiration for these folks who have been here so long working so hard. If you can't tell from the dryness of this blog, I'm already exhausted and it's only been a week. However, it seems that exhaustion is beside the point, everyone looks dazed. We just keep on moving and calling, mapping, cracking jokes and making Starbucks runs. We are also provided large lunches and dinners every day to keep us present and working. Our work is paying off. There are record early votes. The current number of early voters has exceeded the last election by 4000 votes already.
Wednesday, I spent the day mapping and leafleting GOTV material to members in a remote area of Albuquerque. I traveled with a really nice woman by the name of Rochelle, who is an organizer with the Steelworkers Union. After we were done, we returned to the office to be present for a visit from the Secretary of the AFL-CIO. Apparently he missed his flight but will be visiting Labor 08 tomorrow.
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